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“Look outside and you will see yourself. Look inside and you will find yourself.” 
- Drew Gerald, recognised coach, entrepreneur and author

Unlock Your Potential with Personal Coaching

Imagine a personalised journey where you're fully supported to reach your goals. Coaching is a 1-to-1 process that is present and forward looking, creative, challenging and supportive. It is confidential and non-judgemental, focussing on you, what you want to achieve and your success. I will work with you to explore, reflect on and move forward with your coaching goals. Working alongside you, helping you to identify and take the actions needed making them a reality and not least sustainable.


Any coaching journey begins with the wish to change something. Sometimes even the smallest changes can make a significant impact or you might be looking for making some more impactful and radical changes. 


So how and with what can coaching help you?


Coaching can help you in a range of different ways that may be related to your career, work/life balance, building self-confidence, not being able to finish tasks, presentation anxiety, team or leadership challenges and much more.

Through coaching I can help you:

Increase your self-awareness for example self-confidence, emotional intelligence

Define your leadership style such as lead authentically and/or inclusively and manage mindset

Build Influencing skills

Marketing for example develop company brand identity, value propostion and lead generation

Communication and presentation skills

Develop a strategic mindset

Manage energy such as manage stress or burnout, work/life balance

Build effective teams for example engage and/or motivate others, develop talent and team dynamics

Delegate effectively such as  empower self or others, and scaling leadership

Manage complexity and/or ambiguity

Managing stakeholder  relationships

And more...

Develop Interpersonal relationships for example empathy, listening and inclusion

Give and receive feedback

Lead on change

Maximise your career transition such as career planning,  development and promotion

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging subjects

Some of or many of the above areas may be rooted in areas that could include:

  • Running your life yourself and not letting others run it

  • Giving yourself space to think, reflect and plan

  • Updating your self-beliefs with ideas relevant and useful to who you are

  • Breaking through and going beyond habitual thinking patterns

  • Making plans for the future and a path of action to take you towards those plans

  • Getting you ‘unstuck’ and stop you from going round in circles in your mind

  • Unpacking your brain to examine and looking at your options, re-ordering your thoughts for more clarity.

Common scenarios

Here are some common scenarios for coaching, which you can read about and see if there might be a scenario you recognise yourself in.

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